Financial indicators for municipalities: a quantitative analysis

Srečko Devjak, Ana Monte, Paula Fernandes, Jorge Alves, Nuno Ribeiro


From the characterization of Local Authority financing models and structures in Portugal and Slovenia, a set of financial and generic budget indicators has been established. These indicators may be used in a comparative analysis considering the Bragança District in Portugal, and municipalities of similar population size in Slovenia. The research identified significant differences, in terms of financing sources due to some discrepancies on financial models and competences of municipalities on each country. The results show that Portuguese and Slovenian municipalities, in 2003, for the economy indicator, had similar ranking behaviour, but in 2004, they changed this behaviour.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Srečko Devjak, Ana Monte, Paula Fernandes, Jorge Alves, Nuno Ribeiro

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Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Revista Enfoques: Ciencia Política y Administración Pública – ISSN 0718-9656 versión en línea | ISSN 0718-0241 versión impresa
Facultad de Economía, Gobierno y Comunicaciones – Universidad Central de Chile - Correo electrónico:
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